Hey all. So you have found your way to my blog because you are: A.) One of my fellow classmates, or B.) Because you Googled me. The latter raises concerns about what you may have found from my sordid past. At any rate, I am a current student in the Golf Course Turfgrass Management Program here at The Pennsylvania State University where I am being bombarded by cold weather and cold women. To tell you a little bit about myself let me begin by explaining the nature of my Canadianism. I was born in Seattle, Wa. in 1983 and went though the wailing of infancy here before moving to the smaller town of Savona, B.C. Canada (then population 420). Here is where I would acquire my status of "dual citizen" of USA and Canada. When I say I moved to Savona, I am actually referring to a random patch of pasture-land in the belly of a valley which sits 30 miles out of town, straight towards the Buddhist Center of the Universe. At the age of four I began attending Savona Elementary School where I plodded along with my 15 other same-age classmates before being dragged to highschool via 3.5hr daily busride! I took some time after my force-fed education to explore Australia for a few months. Fast forward to becoming a college drop-out with 1/3rd of a degree in psychology who then falls in love with cutting grass. Here is where I am introduced to the golf industry and where I begin my employment at Tobiano. I worked at Tobiano for four years and then decided I would like to formally educate myself in the industry. So $18,000 green American dollars later, here I sit at PSU, typing up my personal introduction. I will do my best to keep this up to date with relevant information which you may even enjoy.
Thanks for the visit,
-Ernie Bendzak
(photo obtained from Tobianogolf.ca)
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